Thursday, April 24, 2008

Real World: Hollywood: My thoughts

Alright, so raise your hand if you want to slap Greg hard across the face.

*Rises hand with countless others*

Alright, raise your hand if you want to slap every person who actually voted for this ass-clown to be on the show.

*Rises hand with others*

Greg has to be one of the most annoying cast member in Real World History. Ever. Seriously. Beth has NOTHING on the annoyingness of Greg. The rest of the castmembers are pretty... well generic yet interesting.

It seems that with every season, these cast members are becoming less and less... well beliveable. Let's be honest here... if you walk out onto the streets, do you see any girls that look as good as Sarah or Kim? If you walk out onto the streets, do you A LOT of guys walking around with HUGE muscles like Joey?

I don't.

On a different subject, how ignorant does Kim has to be. "Don't get ghetto." Is she serious? "Blackville?" She actually said "Blackville." Yeah her parents brought her up well.

Dave reminds me of Abe from Road Rules South Pacific.

In my opinion, Bri isn't all that drop dead beautiful.

Sarah, on the other hand, is.