Sunday, March 23, 2008

In depth look at the Final Challenge

Okay. The Final Challenge of The Gauntlet III was quite... shocking.

Think all the way back when Johnny was being sent into the Gauntlet. He said that Eric would be their biggest anchor, someone who couldn't cross the finish line. Eric replied back that he was no quitter and he doesn't go down.

Alright... so Eric apparently lied.

Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he really thought he could finish the final challenge. As some one who has seen countless Final Challenges, I knew deep down Eric would have trouble finishing it.

I mean look at the final challenge in Battle of the Sexes II... they jumped out of a freaking air plane. Imagine Eazy-E doing that.

The Veterans have no one to blame but themselves. Eric seems to be a great guy with a great sense of humor. But he's not the perfect competitor.

The Veterans must be kicking themselves in their asses for voting of Johnny... Imagine if Johnny was in the fina Veteran team in place of Eric. The Vets would have had a MUCH faster pace and easily over take the Rookies.

Bottom line is this: The Veterans... didn't think like Veterans. It's almost laughable that guys like Kenny, Evan, Eric, Casey, and Diem are true "veterans". No, no. They're not! True Veterans are Veronica, Rachel, CT, Brad, Robin, Katie, Coral, Beth, Eric Nies, Mark, Ruthie, Jisela, Annessa, Timmy, Darrel, The Miz.... because they know how to play the game.

These Freshmeat cast members... they're not veterans. And they surely didn't think like veterans.

Because if they did, Eric would have been eliminated the first male Gauntlet day.

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