Thursday, February 28, 2008

Gauntlet III episode 2 Summary

Long over due but I'll eventually catch up :)

Before we actually begin of the episode, we get a run down of what happend last week on The Gauntlet III. Now onto the actual episode...

We open to Nehimeah and Beth sitting on a sofa. Nehmiah claims Beth has been following her around like "a sick puppy dog". Nehemiah tells Beth that her comments on the previous challenge, The Duel, was sickening. Nehemiah also tellsBeth she is far from his type and won't ever hook up with her. Evan, Adam, Rachel, and Kenny are present in the room and they clap for Nehemiah. Nehemiah has spoken!

The cast gets their first clue for their next challenge. Nehemiah does not want to send any of the girls home (Melinda, Johanna, Rachel are from his RW season and Angel has gotten close to him)

Frank decides to align himself with the decision maker on the Veterans team, CT.

This challenge is called "Screw you". You must pair with a teamate in this challenge. This is basically a huge obstcale course with two huge bolts that the male/female duo must "screw" in order to advance. The rookies have to send a male twice because they're down one male (Alex got sent home). The winning males team gets a ZOOM media player, females save from the Gauntlet.

The veterans are nervous because the Rookies have paired Male/Male while the vets did Male/Female. First up for the Vets is the team of Ev/Kenny and for the Rookies its Nehiemah/Derek.

Ev and Kenny basically blow Nehimiah and Derek out of the water shockingly enough. Ev really must be a man at heart.

Other pairings:

Robin/Brad (shocking)
Derek/Angel (Derek had to go twice)

  • Tyler and Ryan catch up to the vetrans. Tyler notices that he and Ryan, the two gay guys, smoked the competion.

  • Coral under-estimated the dificulty of this challenge...

  • Frank says that Brooke looks terrible out there.

  • Adam and Casey clear the course and secure the win for the Veterans.

Winner of challenge #2: Veterans

The veterans deliberate on which Rookie female will enter the Gauntlet. The Veterans are protecting Brooke from the Gauntlet. They select Jillian to enter the Gauntlet. Jillian feels she was voted in because she is the strorngest of all the females. Jillian wants to face Angel in the Gauntlet and the Rookie team agrees.

The Rookie deliberation is a mess. Tori calls out the team, saying she is hearing of alliances forming. Janell calls out former KeyWest roomie, Tyler, saying she has heard he has alligned himself with Coral. Tyler responds by saying he is not stupid enough to be in an alliance with Coral. Frank is called out by Tyrie, who says he has heard Frank has aligned himself with Jillian. Frank heavily denies this. What's funny is that no one mentions the 'Austin Alliance.'

Female Gauntlet #1: Angel vs. Jillian.
Gauntlet: Ram it Home *You basically push a huge object and in the process you push your opponet back. If their body touches the wall, they lose.

Jillian almost easily over powers Angel. However, after a few moments Angel looks like she is about to pull of a huge upset as she pushes Jillian back. But it was not meant to be as Angel becomes tired and Jillian pushes her backwards for the win.

Winner: Jillian

Zach discusses with Ryan that they need to win. Meanwhile, Adam tells Katie and Eric that the Rookies cannot win, that they have planted a seed into every member of the Rookie teams mind.

Here is the debut scene of the Frank/Jillian relationship. They are watching a movie, laughing. In a confessional, Tyler procliams them the worlds most boring couple.

In a confessional, Beth says she feels that the Veterans are bound to have a trian wreck...

In a confessional, Adam says he's never been on a challenge with so much sex. Hook ups left and right here, kiddies.

Outside, Tyler tells Casey that he has a huge crush on Ryan. Tyler says that despite Ryan is not his type, he still has a crush on him and he just wants to "touch him."

The cast gets a new clue for their challenge.

Outside by the pool, Tyler and Ryan talk. Tyler tells Ryan about his crush for him. Ryan says he will not lead Tyler on. The farthest they will go is drunk making out. Ryan says this is a huge blow to Tyler's ego because he useually gets what he wants, however, Tyler won't get Ryan.

The next challenge is called "Roped in". Huge swing in the middle of a circle sand pit. One male will be on the swing and the rest of the team will swing him towards six wooden puzzle slots. The object is to retreive puzzle piecesand place them in the correct slot. The females of the winning team will win a camer, the guys safe from the Gauntlet.

Adam will be the Vet male on the swing, Ryan the Rookie male. (Both the lightest on their respect team).

Adam is doing a great job nararating the Vets on where to swing him. They two teams are pretty much neck and neck but the Veterans pull out a win.

Winners of challenge #3: Veterans

Tyrie and Derek are extremely pissed off. So pissed that Derek throws his gloves and shouts "I'M SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF LOSING!" Great moment there...

Ryan cannot be protected from this Gauntlet because he was protected on the last male Gauntlet. A new revelation in this challenge: If you were chosen to be safe from the Gauntlet, you cannot be safe on the next Gauntlet day. Beth says this puts a damper on the Veteran's strategy because they planned on saving Ryan and Brooke every time (both the weakest).

During the male deliberation, Johnny decides they should send it Tyler... Johnny says he still feels angry at Tyler for what occured on the Duel (Tyler sent Johnny home).

The Veterans decided to protect Tyrie. They decide to send in Tyler into the Gauntlet. (Johnny was hilarious in how he announced Tyler entering the Gauntlet).

Tyler and Johnny have an arguement. Tyler acuses Johnny of not sticking up for him and also goes onto say that he needs the money for school. Suddenly, here comes Jannell , who tells Tyler that this is not a chairty event and that Tyler is acting like a pussy. She also adds that he should not play this game personally.

On behalf of Tyler, Brooke announces to the Rookie Team that Tyler wants the team to vote who he faces in the Gauntlet. Frank feels that Ryan should go into the Gauntlet for the good of the team. However, the Rookies decide that... FRANK will face Tyler in the Gauntlet.

Gauntlet #3: Frank vs. Tyler
Gauntlet: Force field (What Alex/Nehmieah competed in the first Gauntlet)

Frank uses sound strategy by planting himself into the sand while Tyler wastes his energy. Frank inch by inch makes his way across the finish line for the win.

Winner: Frank

In a confessional, Jannel says that it was Tyler's time to go.

In a confessional, Jillian says its easy to say goodbye to Tyler. She would much rather have Frank instead.

Ryan is actually pleased that Tyler is not here. He does not feel Tyler at all.

Frank and Jillian are in the pool. Frank says in a confessional he is happy to be hanging out with Jillian some more.

Evan says in a confessional that the Vet girls will have to be sent home.

Katie says in a confessional that if the Vet guys throw the mission on girl Gauntlet days, they will throw challenges on male Gauntlet day.

That is it for this episode! Be back with a review for Gauntlet III: Episode 3!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My personal favorite moments in Real World/Road Rules challenge history

Not in order but these are def. my favorite.

1. Aneesa vs. Cara - Gauntlet II
"Suck my dick, bitch!" Ahh who doesn't love a good old fashion shouting match? The creation of this fight really didn't involve Aneesa nor Cara. Cameran (Real World San Diego) decided she would forfit the Gauntlet to her oppoent, Kina (Road Rules Extreme). Annessa and the other Veterans (Beth, Robin, and Jisela) decided to call her a "quiter." Innocently enough, Cara decided to save poor Cammy, stating that Aneesa "didn't know her." That made Annessa snap, tell Cara she would "cut her with words." Meanwhile, Timmy (Road Rules) is standing by Annessa, mocking her hand motions and screams. That clown!

2. Ayanna sleeps in her uniform
"I SLEPT IN MY UNIFORM LAST NIGHT 'CAUSE I WANTED TO WIN TODAY!" Ayanna is crazy. Plain and simple, home girl is nuts. Now here she is, calling out the female "inner circle" that elected to vote her off the challenge. Scratch that, she didn't call them out; she basically ranted about extremely odd things. She apparently defended Tonya (Real World Chicago) when she over flowed the toilet. She also defended her when others said she was a phone hog. Then of course, the most famous quote of all about sleeping in her uniform because she wanted a victory. A grown woman... sleeping in her dirty uniform... because she wanted to win. Think about it.

3. Battle of the laser tag
"ELLLLLLENNNNNNN.... COME OUT AND PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" The Battle of the Sexes challenge was really a fun one to watch. It became a hell of a lot more fun to watch when one of the missions was... LASER TAG! Guys vs. girls in a laser tag mele! The girls held their own but were pretty much screwed. Ellen (Road Rules) was the last remaining girl with Jamie (Road Rules) awaiting for her to come out from hiding so he and the remaining guys team to tag her with the laser gun. Classic TV

4. The upset
"YOU WON... YOU JUST WON!" The Duel is also up there with one as one of my favorite challenges. This Duel in particular pitted Svetlana (Real World Key West) agaisnt Beth (Real World Los Angeles)... I pretty much gave Svet no chance at all. It appears to the viewer that Beth won, as she over powered Svet in the "Push Me" Duel. Svet gave up and began to cry, knowing she was going home... BUT WAIT ONE MINUTE! Host TJ Lavin DQ'ed Beth because she ripped the flag off the carabiner! Brad (Real World San Diego) nearly jumped on the crying Svet, proclaiming Beth had been DQ'ed and she was in fact the winner!

Happy birthday to Jillian of the Gauntlet III

Jillian (Road Rules Extreme, Gauntlet II, Gauntlet III) is probably out celebrating her birthday with the love of her life, Frank (Real World Las Vegas, Battle of the Sexes II, Gauntlet III). Happy birthday, Jillian!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Duel II the next challenge?

Saw on wikipedia (I know not a reliable souce) that the next challenge will be The Duell II. They had a cast up and even went as far as writing full eliminations as well as including the male and female winner.

Now, however, it is deleted from the wikipedia page. I wanna say its real because who would go into detail on the order of elimination? The winners are..

Scroll down and Highlight to read:

Abe (Road Rules South Pacific)
Ibis (Road Rules Extreme)

Beth vs. Diem


I recentlly got in contact with Beth through her myspace account. I told her thank you for adding me and that I remember watching her since Battle of the Sexes (2003). She replied back saying thanks for the myspace add and was surprised that I remembered her on the show because she was voted off rather quickly.

So I am browsing around Beth's myspace and I read one of her blog.

Boy oh boy what a blog.

In case you did not watch it, MTV aired 'The 25 most unforgetable moments in challenge history" and one of the unforgetable moments is when Diem reveals she has cancer on 'Freshmeat'. One of the pannel members to discuss these moments was Beth. She of course had an opinion on Diem and it wasn't a particular good one. Beth basically claims that Diem uses her cancer as a tactic to stay in the game.

On Diem decided to respond to Beth's claim in a blog. Here is some of what Diem had to say:

"I find this simply amusing... I have stayed silent about certain remarks that she made about me bc I didn’t want to give her more platform to run her inappropriate words that hurt not myself but others in the same/similar situations.... She used a preview special to air complete non-sense so to get a reaction. To get her self a few more sound bytes.... how funny then is karma hmmm "

This is from Beth's myspace blog in response to Diem. *Note* That long paragraph in bold is not what Beth said. This was written by Beth's closest myspace friend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Recently, one of the Gauntlet 3 castmembers chose to throw a few stones in my direction over at Many of you have written asking if or when I would respond. I didn't intend to. I haven't mentioned her at all in any of my blogs. But...I did find it interesting that the nameless castmember who called me out did so to defend her "boys" (they certainly don't qualify as men)...boys who in the last episode were BRUTAL to the girls on our even threatened to strap a brick to their boobs and drown them...nice timing to come running to their defense huh?

One of my long-time myspace friends, however, let me know that she had responded to Diem and offered me permission to post her reply here. "A," who personally knows more cast members and more challenge details than anyone I know, has some interesting things to say, so after giving it some thought, I've decided to post her reply here. They are her words, not mine; they stand on their own. TO REPEAT, I DO NOT ENDORSE THE FOLLOWING--I DIDN'T WRITE IT, BUT IT IS INTERESTING READING.

Someone has let Beth get under their skin? Everything Beth said about you was true. On Fresh Meat and the Duel you cried and threw a hissy fit when you got voted into elimination. And both times it was the first time you were sent to the elimination and it was the last week! Boo freaking hoo honey. You even expected Aneesa to save you over her BFF Svetlana. How arrogant must you be? Or is it entitlement? Did you feel entitled to make the end? And why the hookups so quickly from Derek to CT? Fresh Meat and the Duel were filmed less than 6 months apart. Quite a short time to find 2 loves of your life in an environment that doesnt exactly lead to healthy relationships. Were those boys used to make it to the end? Hmmmmm. You also basically admitted in your blog you were afraid of Beth and avoided her. Should you be bragging about being a p----? And Beth does confront people she has a problem with and not take shots at them personally behind their backs like Danny/Kenny/Evan did to her. She confronted Tina when Tina tried to start something with her. She confronted Jodi and the Drama Mafia to their FACES! She told you at the Duel reunion how she thought of you. As for Nehemiah? Please. The guy wouldn't have even been asked to the Gauntlet 3 if it were not for the attention he got from Beth on the Duel. He discarded Beth at G3 because she was of no use to him as she was on opposite teams. His ego was bruised due to Beth's jokes about him on The Duel. His manhood was damaged so he set out to distance himself from her. He also realized he was on the wrong side of the cliques that dominate these shows.As for karma, it will be coming your way too sistah. How did keeping Eric over Johnny work out for the Vets at the end? Bahahahaha. I would hate for your strong team to dominate the whole thing and than lose at the end due to 1 out of shape team member. Karma indeed! Oh yeah...and your boy CT is showing a lot of maturity this show, hun. He's very mature indeed for a crack addict. I also believe, from my recollection of watching the Duel reunion, that you actually called out Beth first by calling her a phony. She in return responded back to you. So if you are seriously wondering where her distaste from you comes from that maybe a good place to start. The first 3 episodes have shown no expamples of your claims that Beth was desperate for camera time. She did not respond at all but to laugh at Nehmeiah's tantrum. She has not been in any fights or causing drama. Her only crime seems to be standing next to CT in one of his drunken states. Now now. CT is always in a drugged out state so you cant blame her for that. I also saw Katie and many others watching the fight from the stairs so try a little harder next time honey. Your points don't hold up under scrutiny.
"A" for annonymous

Anyone have thoghts about this? Does anything think Diem would use her cancer as a tactic to stay longer in the game?

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Gauntlet III: Episode 1 summar/review

Yes I know it has been about 4 weeks since the Gauntlet III first aired but I didn't have the blog up yet... so to any interested readers, here's the scoop on what happend or what you missed.

So its time for a new challenge in the country of Mexico. Cast members introduce themselves as does the host, TJ Lavin. Lavin divides the casts into two teams: Veterans and the Rookies.

Veteran Team:


































Rules: Winning team will choose one member from the opposite team to enter the Gauntlet and will choose another member of the opposite team to be saved from the Gauntlet. Then, the loosing team will select a member to fight their own team member in the Gauntlet.

Now the Veterans are "stacked". Even Nehemiah said so with some saddness in his voice. TJ Lavin throws a curve ball... the two temas will now compete in a tug of war. Whatever teams wins, they get the best sleeping arrangments. The team that losess will be stuck somewhere else. TJ makes a point saying "Trust me, you don't want to lose this."

Interestng that Beth brings up this whole "Nehemiah/Beth" alliance form The Duel. According to her she will do her best to bring back this alliance just incase the veterans lose this tug of war, that way she can sleep in Nehemiah's bed or vice versa.

Robin says this is the most important challenge. Sleeping arrangments are important. The Rookies look pretty much hopeless in this challenge. Newbie Derek falls into the water pit causing the Rookies to loose, thus the Rookies get the scrub sleeping arrangements. Seems fitting.

Veterans are running into their HUGE house. Definatly looks like the best one out of all of them. Brad says in the confessional that this house is "right up there" with pasts houses. Huge pool, huge outside area. CORAL is rooming with BETH! Beth hopes she and Coral can "become friends." Coral is upset because she has to wake up to "Hatchet face" every day.

The rookies "hut" pretty much is just that... a hut. Filled with bugs, 8 bunks, and 1 shower.

Back to the veterans house where everyone is by or in the pool. Zach admits that meeting CT was "kinda scary." He also says they are "all family." Ahhhh Zach the rookie.

Brooke says the idea of being with a man makes her sick. Tyler was "dying" to meet Brooke because she is now a lesbian. It appears Brooke and Ev are now a "couple". They are making out in the tub. Seems that Tyler and Ryan have a bit of making out going on, including Paula making out with Derek and Adam; Tori and Brad making out; Casey and Johnny in bed; Frank and Jill together. Evan and Kenny aren't getting any love. Coral can't wait for the break ups. They will "be way better than the hook ups."

The cast gets their first clue. By the way is it me or has Jillian totally bloosmed into a godess? My goodness she is stunning.

First challenge: "Pinata Pit"

The object of "Pinata Pit" is to collect balls from a pool of mud. Their are two different color balls, one for males and one for females. Its a male Gauntlet day.

Notes: Angel is tackled in the mud by Coral and has her ball stolen. Zach sacrafices himself by giving teammber Alex the ball. The girls are going AT IT! They are rolling around in mud fighting for balls. Now, Ev starts talking some stuff about Coral. Coral of course hears her and an arguement starts to happen. Coral tells Ev "She will quit her ass". Veterans looks like they are beating the Rookies early on. Alex of the rookies is looking clueless out there. Adam actually jukes Tyire in the mud pit. Comical stuff. Rookies are working more of a team than the veterans. The last male for the rookies is Nehemiah. He puts up a valaint effor but Eva nand CT wreslte the ball away and secure a victory for the Veteran guys. Now its up to the Veteran girls. Its between Tori for the Rookies and Robin for the Veterans. If Tori wins, they'll be a tie breaker. Coral actually tells Robin that if she wins "we'll lift you up in the air and everything." Sadly Robin loses and Tori forces a overtime. The Veterans must pick one guy for their team, Veterans send one guy from their team. Vets pick CT, Rookies pick Derek. Classic Rookie vs. Veteran match up here! Derek leads early and grabs the ball. However, CT wrestles the ball away from him! VETERANS WIN

Winner of challenge 1: Veterans
Prize: Men saved from Gauntler; Females win ZOOM

So now we're down to deliberation. The Veterans have to vote a male from the Rookies and save a male from the rookies. Veterans decide to save Ryan as he is the weakest of the team; Veterans choose Nehemiah to enter the Gauntlet. Rookies now have to decide who they send into the Gauntlet to face Nehemiah. Nehemiah says he wants to go agaisnt Alex because Alex looked extremely weak in the challenge. During delibration, the Rookies decide that whoever is voted into the Gauntlet gets to pick who they want to face. Alex looks like he doesn't even care. It is now Alex vs. Nehemiah. TJ introdcues the "wheel" that has different challenges they will compete in. The first one is...

First Gauntlet: "Forcefield"
The object of Forcefield is to run forward, toward your oppoent, and land on your oppoents finish line. By the way, they have ropes tied to their back so whoever moves forward, their oppoent moves backwrds. Alex is a bitch basically, saying that he hopes for Nehemiah to fuck up, to give up, or to win quickly so he doesn't have to be in the sun for 3 hours. Alex just basically gives up and Nehemiah quickly moves forward and wins.

Winner of first Gauntlet: Nehemiah.

Tyrie says it "sucks" that another Denver castmember is going home first (Tyrie went home first on The Inferno III).

A stunning Robin is talking to Katie on the back patio. Robin specualtes that the guys will throw all female misisons so the female players can go home. She'll be right soon enough...

Fast forward to later in the night. CT, pretty much drunk, starts speeching about "Cutting the fat." Johnny calls CT a scumbag in a confessional.

Coral and CT are fighting with Katie smoking in the background. CT basically swooshes Coral away with his hand. Coral doesn't take that shit and tells CT to never do that to her again. Coral says she respects CT and CT should respect her. CT cays that Coral will go in the Gauntelt if they lose a challenge. Coral says she doesnt give a shit. Diem, CT's year long girlfriend, tries to calm him down. CT is talking disrespectfully at Diem and even yells at her. Diem just walks away from the drunk CT.

Coral tells Katie she wont care if she goes int othe Gauntlet. Coral even manages to call CT "A crack head". Rookie member Ryan notices that the Veterans are a ticking time bomb.

That is it for the Gauntlet III episode 1. Will post episode 2 soon!

Vote for the Real World awards!

Welcome to The Real World Awards Bash!For no less than 19 seasons, MTV has been putting diverse individuals into close quarters to see what happens. Along the way, we've seen fast friendships, love connections, lusty liaisons, and every form of fighting imaginable. Now it's time to vote for the best! Watch video clips of nominees and cast a vote for your favorite. Then tune into The Real World Awards Bash on Saturday, March 29, at 1 p.m. ET/PT on MTV to see who wins!

I know tradtionally you're not supposed to say who you voted for, but screw tradition! Here is who I voted for:

Hottest Female: Kelly Anne
I voted for Kelly Anne because she was refreshing to look at! She was such eye candy and she drove me crazy with those eyes. She definatly is beautiful naturally. Very hot.

Hottest Male: N/a
This is for the ladies or guys who find men attractive to vote for. I am not either.

Favorite Season: San Diego
By far my favorite Real World season ever. Drama involving Frankie (RIP), Brad and Robin getting arrested ON THE SAME NIGHT, the beautiful Cameran, the hotty Jamey (who I consider 2nd in the hottest female category), the comical Jacquese, and the mellow Randy. There was that other cast member who replaced Frankie... whatever happend to him? LOL

Best Fight: Brynn vs. Steven - Las Vegas
You can point out hunderds of fights in Real World history but out of these choices, I feel Brynn/Steven was the best one. Brynn threw a fork, Steven showed how much of an insenstive ass he was... ahh The Real World!

Steamiest Steam: Trishelle, Brynn, Steven - Las Vegas
Very hot to see Trishelle break losse and to envy Steven. Brynn is really cute! SCOOOOOREEEEEE!

Best Brush with the Law: Robin and Brad getting arrested on the same night
I was in tears of laughter when this first aired. Robin punches a dude in the arm, he presses charges and gets her arrested. Meanwhile, Brad is arrested for drunkly yelling at people.

Best Meltdown: Dan to Melisa - Miami
Such a classic, classic meltdown. "WAS IT YOURS TO OPEN?!" Dan is such a... nevermind.

Favorite Love Story: Cohutta and KellyAnne - Sydney
I loveeeeee Kelly Anne. I am going to track her down on myspace and see if she and Cohutta are still together or not. I hope they are!

Roommate You Love To Hate: Beth - Los Angeles
Seriously I hate Beth but I love to hate her. Puck I just like because he's disgusting and Tyler I just hate. Beth... I enjoy to hate her.

Biggest Playa: Brad - San Diego
Brad was the man. Seriously he got to hook up with Cameran. 'Nuff said. Even though Cameran has said Brad was not the best kisser...

Phone Call Gone Bad: Jacquese - San Diego
I was in tears... in tears of laughter when Jacquese was on the phone with the arrested Robin. Firs off, he has a "Free Brad" paper tapped to his sweat shirt. Second, the reaction he gives when Robin says she is in jail in priceless. Then when he asks Robin where she is, she responds by saying she is in MEXICO! Jac, in total confussion, says "MEXICO!?" The way he delivered that... oh man priceless.

Gone Baby Gone: Irene - Seattle
Stephen slaps Irene because she called him a homosexual. What man wouldn't slap a woman for that?

Best Dance Off: N/a
Useless category... all the choices were generic.

Best moments in challenge history

Right before the Gauntlet III aired, MTV aired their version of the top “25 moments in challenge history” with former cast members like Robin (RW San Diego), Derrick (RR Extreme), Beth (RW Los Angelis), Mark (Road Rules USA), Tina (Road Rules South Pacific), and Coral (RW B2NY).

After watching that program, I think I am going to take a trip down memory lane and write a few paragraphs about these awesome moments in challenge history. If you really think about it, it’s comical to see these once “normal” human beings now on MTV doing outrageous and scandals things.

The first moment that I have been dying to talk about is the Coral vs. Julie fight on The Inferno. In defense of Julie, you cannot help but feel terrible for her. Julie has taken a lot of shit on these challenges, starting all the way back to The Battle of the Sexes. Remember the whole Melissa vs. Julie feud? So now here is Julie once again on the beloved Inferno getting into a fight with the one, the only, Coral. Put yourself in Julie’s shoes if you will… you’re having an argument with a know bad-ass bitch in Coral. Meatheads like CT and David are instigating this entire thing. You wouldn’t lose your mind and just challenge Coral to a wrestling match? I would. It made great TV and I think Julie knew that deep down inside. She knew Coral wouldn’t wrestle her but hey putting down the challenge made interesting and exciting TV. Coral delivering classic lines like “I don’t wrestle… I fucking beat bitches up” and “She’ll go home in a gurney…. I’ll go home in hand cuffs” made excellent television! Julie knew it, Coral knew it, CT and David knew it and most of all the viewers at home knew it. So thank you CT and David for instigating this fight and thank you Coral and Julie for making some unforgettable television.

Now the next moment on The Inferno… I can’t really defend Julie. The very first mission was the most insane mission I have ever seen for the simple fact I truly believe Julie attempted to murder Veronica on those zip lines 20 stories in the air or however high up there they were. I mean Julie is gnawing and clawing at Veronica’s safety harness . Veronica is yelling and crying, the look on her face reading pure terror. Dave Marrera is yelling into a bull horn telling Julie to stop it, cast members at yelling at Julie telling her to stop it. She eventually did much to the relief of Veronica and the entire production. The entire time I was watching that moment I kept thinking to myself “Holy cow… Julie is going to kill Veronica.”

Eric mother fucking Nies. We saw him win on Battle of the Sexes I and Battle of the Sexes II. But Eric Nies had a little help in winning Battle of the Sexes II. The jump rope. Eric Nies attempted to market a jump rope on MTV. Every time the camera was on Eric, he had the jump rope with him. Then someone stole his jump rope! As a viewer, you knew it was bound to happen. I mean the guy passed the jump rope around as a speaking tool when the males were deliberating on who to send home. Turns out the cute Veronica stole his jump rope but Eric Nies did not care who stole it. He simply gave a speech during eliminations on bringing his beloved jump rope to him. “I don’t care who took it, just make it re-appear.” A grown man, the eldest on the show, is giving a group of 20-30 year olds a speech about giving back his jump rope. Classic.

Guy loses… guy gets sent home… before getting sent home, however, guy has three some with two girls. Of course I’m talking about Road Rules South Pacific very own Abe. The guy is an asshole (of course I am only judging how he appears on TV… remember that little incident with Darnell?). Yet the guy gets a threesome with Veronica and Rachel (Road Rules Campus Crawl). Does this sound fair to any of you? I mean the guy is voted in (thanks to Veronica’s vote) and loses to a fierce veteran in Mike ‘The Miz.’ Veronica feels guilty and somehow Rachel comes into the picture and before you know it there they are, grouping each other in the tub and then in the shower. Lesson in all of this? Pray Veronica and Rachel are on the challenge you’re on, pray they feel guilty for voting you into elimination, and pray they’re horny. Abe, I can’t hate on you. You scored with two cute girls at the same time. You also created an unforgettable moment in challenge history.

That’s it for now. I’ll post some other stuff during the day, namely my thoughts on the Gauntlet III. Peace.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to The Real World/Road Rules blog!

Hello to any (if any) readers out there. My name is Anthony but you may call me 'Mr. Challenge' because I am addicted to the Real World/Road Rules challenges.

On this blog, you will find out spoilers for up coming challenges and some info on past, present, and perhaps even the future cast members of the Real World, Road Rules, or any of the challenges.