Friday, February 22, 2008

The Gauntlet III: Episode 1 summar/review

Yes I know it has been about 4 weeks since the Gauntlet III first aired but I didn't have the blog up yet... so to any interested readers, here's the scoop on what happend or what you missed.

So its time for a new challenge in the country of Mexico. Cast members introduce themselves as does the host, TJ Lavin. Lavin divides the casts into two teams: Veterans and the Rookies.

Veteran Team:


































Rules: Winning team will choose one member from the opposite team to enter the Gauntlet and will choose another member of the opposite team to be saved from the Gauntlet. Then, the loosing team will select a member to fight their own team member in the Gauntlet.

Now the Veterans are "stacked". Even Nehemiah said so with some saddness in his voice. TJ Lavin throws a curve ball... the two temas will now compete in a tug of war. Whatever teams wins, they get the best sleeping arrangments. The team that losess will be stuck somewhere else. TJ makes a point saying "Trust me, you don't want to lose this."

Interestng that Beth brings up this whole "Nehemiah/Beth" alliance form The Duel. According to her she will do her best to bring back this alliance just incase the veterans lose this tug of war, that way she can sleep in Nehemiah's bed or vice versa.

Robin says this is the most important challenge. Sleeping arrangments are important. The Rookies look pretty much hopeless in this challenge. Newbie Derek falls into the water pit causing the Rookies to loose, thus the Rookies get the scrub sleeping arrangements. Seems fitting.

Veterans are running into their HUGE house. Definatly looks like the best one out of all of them. Brad says in the confessional that this house is "right up there" with pasts houses. Huge pool, huge outside area. CORAL is rooming with BETH! Beth hopes she and Coral can "become friends." Coral is upset because she has to wake up to "Hatchet face" every day.

The rookies "hut" pretty much is just that... a hut. Filled with bugs, 8 bunks, and 1 shower.

Back to the veterans house where everyone is by or in the pool. Zach admits that meeting CT was "kinda scary." He also says they are "all family." Ahhhh Zach the rookie.

Brooke says the idea of being with a man makes her sick. Tyler was "dying" to meet Brooke because she is now a lesbian. It appears Brooke and Ev are now a "couple". They are making out in the tub. Seems that Tyler and Ryan have a bit of making out going on, including Paula making out with Derek and Adam; Tori and Brad making out; Casey and Johnny in bed; Frank and Jill together. Evan and Kenny aren't getting any love. Coral can't wait for the break ups. They will "be way better than the hook ups."

The cast gets their first clue. By the way is it me or has Jillian totally bloosmed into a godess? My goodness she is stunning.

First challenge: "Pinata Pit"

The object of "Pinata Pit" is to collect balls from a pool of mud. Their are two different color balls, one for males and one for females. Its a male Gauntlet day.

Notes: Angel is tackled in the mud by Coral and has her ball stolen. Zach sacrafices himself by giving teammber Alex the ball. The girls are going AT IT! They are rolling around in mud fighting for balls. Now, Ev starts talking some stuff about Coral. Coral of course hears her and an arguement starts to happen. Coral tells Ev "She will quit her ass". Veterans looks like they are beating the Rookies early on. Alex of the rookies is looking clueless out there. Adam actually jukes Tyire in the mud pit. Comical stuff. Rookies are working more of a team than the veterans. The last male for the rookies is Nehemiah. He puts up a valaint effor but Eva nand CT wreslte the ball away and secure a victory for the Veteran guys. Now its up to the Veteran girls. Its between Tori for the Rookies and Robin for the Veterans. If Tori wins, they'll be a tie breaker. Coral actually tells Robin that if she wins "we'll lift you up in the air and everything." Sadly Robin loses and Tori forces a overtime. The Veterans must pick one guy for their team, Veterans send one guy from their team. Vets pick CT, Rookies pick Derek. Classic Rookie vs. Veteran match up here! Derek leads early and grabs the ball. However, CT wrestles the ball away from him! VETERANS WIN

Winner of challenge 1: Veterans
Prize: Men saved from Gauntler; Females win ZOOM

So now we're down to deliberation. The Veterans have to vote a male from the Rookies and save a male from the rookies. Veterans decide to save Ryan as he is the weakest of the team; Veterans choose Nehemiah to enter the Gauntlet. Rookies now have to decide who they send into the Gauntlet to face Nehemiah. Nehemiah says he wants to go agaisnt Alex because Alex looked extremely weak in the challenge. During delibration, the Rookies decide that whoever is voted into the Gauntlet gets to pick who they want to face. Alex looks like he doesn't even care. It is now Alex vs. Nehemiah. TJ introdcues the "wheel" that has different challenges they will compete in. The first one is...

First Gauntlet: "Forcefield"
The object of Forcefield is to run forward, toward your oppoent, and land on your oppoents finish line. By the way, they have ropes tied to their back so whoever moves forward, their oppoent moves backwrds. Alex is a bitch basically, saying that he hopes for Nehemiah to fuck up, to give up, or to win quickly so he doesn't have to be in the sun for 3 hours. Alex just basically gives up and Nehemiah quickly moves forward and wins.

Winner of first Gauntlet: Nehemiah.

Tyrie says it "sucks" that another Denver castmember is going home first (Tyrie went home first on The Inferno III).

A stunning Robin is talking to Katie on the back patio. Robin specualtes that the guys will throw all female misisons so the female players can go home. She'll be right soon enough...

Fast forward to later in the night. CT, pretty much drunk, starts speeching about "Cutting the fat." Johnny calls CT a scumbag in a confessional.

Coral and CT are fighting with Katie smoking in the background. CT basically swooshes Coral away with his hand. Coral doesn't take that shit and tells CT to never do that to her again. Coral says she respects CT and CT should respect her. CT cays that Coral will go in the Gauntelt if they lose a challenge. Coral says she doesnt give a shit. Diem, CT's year long girlfriend, tries to calm him down. CT is talking disrespectfully at Diem and even yells at her. Diem just walks away from the drunk CT.

Coral tells Katie she wont care if she goes int othe Gauntlet. Coral even manages to call CT "A crack head". Rookie member Ryan notices that the Veterans are a ticking time bomb.

That is it for the Gauntlet III episode 1. Will post episode 2 soon!

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