Thursday, February 28, 2008

Gauntlet III episode 2 Summary

Long over due but I'll eventually catch up :)

Before we actually begin of the episode, we get a run down of what happend last week on The Gauntlet III. Now onto the actual episode...

We open to Nehimeah and Beth sitting on a sofa. Nehmiah claims Beth has been following her around like "a sick puppy dog". Nehemiah tells Beth that her comments on the previous challenge, The Duel, was sickening. Nehemiah also tellsBeth she is far from his type and won't ever hook up with her. Evan, Adam, Rachel, and Kenny are present in the room and they clap for Nehemiah. Nehemiah has spoken!

The cast gets their first clue for their next challenge. Nehemiah does not want to send any of the girls home (Melinda, Johanna, Rachel are from his RW season and Angel has gotten close to him)

Frank decides to align himself with the decision maker on the Veterans team, CT.

This challenge is called "Screw you". You must pair with a teamate in this challenge. This is basically a huge obstcale course with two huge bolts that the male/female duo must "screw" in order to advance. The rookies have to send a male twice because they're down one male (Alex got sent home). The winning males team gets a ZOOM media player, females save from the Gauntlet.

The veterans are nervous because the Rookies have paired Male/Male while the vets did Male/Female. First up for the Vets is the team of Ev/Kenny and for the Rookies its Nehiemah/Derek.

Ev and Kenny basically blow Nehimiah and Derek out of the water shockingly enough. Ev really must be a man at heart.

Other pairings:

Robin/Brad (shocking)
Derek/Angel (Derek had to go twice)

  • Tyler and Ryan catch up to the vetrans. Tyler notices that he and Ryan, the two gay guys, smoked the competion.

  • Coral under-estimated the dificulty of this challenge...

  • Frank says that Brooke looks terrible out there.

  • Adam and Casey clear the course and secure the win for the Veterans.

Winner of challenge #2: Veterans

The veterans deliberate on which Rookie female will enter the Gauntlet. The Veterans are protecting Brooke from the Gauntlet. They select Jillian to enter the Gauntlet. Jillian feels she was voted in because she is the strorngest of all the females. Jillian wants to face Angel in the Gauntlet and the Rookie team agrees.

The Rookie deliberation is a mess. Tori calls out the team, saying she is hearing of alliances forming. Janell calls out former KeyWest roomie, Tyler, saying she has heard he has alligned himself with Coral. Tyler responds by saying he is not stupid enough to be in an alliance with Coral. Frank is called out by Tyrie, who says he has heard Frank has aligned himself with Jillian. Frank heavily denies this. What's funny is that no one mentions the 'Austin Alliance.'

Female Gauntlet #1: Angel vs. Jillian.
Gauntlet: Ram it Home *You basically push a huge object and in the process you push your opponet back. If their body touches the wall, they lose.

Jillian almost easily over powers Angel. However, after a few moments Angel looks like she is about to pull of a huge upset as she pushes Jillian back. But it was not meant to be as Angel becomes tired and Jillian pushes her backwards for the win.

Winner: Jillian

Zach discusses with Ryan that they need to win. Meanwhile, Adam tells Katie and Eric that the Rookies cannot win, that they have planted a seed into every member of the Rookie teams mind.

Here is the debut scene of the Frank/Jillian relationship. They are watching a movie, laughing. In a confessional, Tyler procliams them the worlds most boring couple.

In a confessional, Beth says she feels that the Veterans are bound to have a trian wreck...

In a confessional, Adam says he's never been on a challenge with so much sex. Hook ups left and right here, kiddies.

Outside, Tyler tells Casey that he has a huge crush on Ryan. Tyler says that despite Ryan is not his type, he still has a crush on him and he just wants to "touch him."

The cast gets a new clue for their challenge.

Outside by the pool, Tyler and Ryan talk. Tyler tells Ryan about his crush for him. Ryan says he will not lead Tyler on. The farthest they will go is drunk making out. Ryan says this is a huge blow to Tyler's ego because he useually gets what he wants, however, Tyler won't get Ryan.

The next challenge is called "Roped in". Huge swing in the middle of a circle sand pit. One male will be on the swing and the rest of the team will swing him towards six wooden puzzle slots. The object is to retreive puzzle piecesand place them in the correct slot. The females of the winning team will win a camer, the guys safe from the Gauntlet.

Adam will be the Vet male on the swing, Ryan the Rookie male. (Both the lightest on their respect team).

Adam is doing a great job nararating the Vets on where to swing him. They two teams are pretty much neck and neck but the Veterans pull out a win.

Winners of challenge #3: Veterans

Tyrie and Derek are extremely pissed off. So pissed that Derek throws his gloves and shouts "I'M SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF LOSING!" Great moment there...

Ryan cannot be protected from this Gauntlet because he was protected on the last male Gauntlet. A new revelation in this challenge: If you were chosen to be safe from the Gauntlet, you cannot be safe on the next Gauntlet day. Beth says this puts a damper on the Veteran's strategy because they planned on saving Ryan and Brooke every time (both the weakest).

During the male deliberation, Johnny decides they should send it Tyler... Johnny says he still feels angry at Tyler for what occured on the Duel (Tyler sent Johnny home).

The Veterans decided to protect Tyrie. They decide to send in Tyler into the Gauntlet. (Johnny was hilarious in how he announced Tyler entering the Gauntlet).

Tyler and Johnny have an arguement. Tyler acuses Johnny of not sticking up for him and also goes onto say that he needs the money for school. Suddenly, here comes Jannell , who tells Tyler that this is not a chairty event and that Tyler is acting like a pussy. She also adds that he should not play this game personally.

On behalf of Tyler, Brooke announces to the Rookie Team that Tyler wants the team to vote who he faces in the Gauntlet. Frank feels that Ryan should go into the Gauntlet for the good of the team. However, the Rookies decide that... FRANK will face Tyler in the Gauntlet.

Gauntlet #3: Frank vs. Tyler
Gauntlet: Force field (What Alex/Nehmieah competed in the first Gauntlet)

Frank uses sound strategy by planting himself into the sand while Tyler wastes his energy. Frank inch by inch makes his way across the finish line for the win.

Winner: Frank

In a confessional, Jannel says that it was Tyler's time to go.

In a confessional, Jillian says its easy to say goodbye to Tyler. She would much rather have Frank instead.

Ryan is actually pleased that Tyler is not here. He does not feel Tyler at all.

Frank and Jillian are in the pool. Frank says in a confessional he is happy to be hanging out with Jillian some more.

Evan says in a confessional that the Vet girls will have to be sent home.

Katie says in a confessional that if the Vet guys throw the mission on girl Gauntlet days, they will throw challenges on male Gauntlet day.

That is it for this episode! Be back with a review for Gauntlet III: Episode 3!

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