Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My personal favorite moments in Real World/Road Rules challenge history

Not in order but these are def. my favorite.

1. Aneesa vs. Cara - Gauntlet II
"Suck my dick, bitch!" Ahh who doesn't love a good old fashion shouting match? The creation of this fight really didn't involve Aneesa nor Cara. Cameran (Real World San Diego) decided she would forfit the Gauntlet to her oppoent, Kina (Road Rules Extreme). Annessa and the other Veterans (Beth, Robin, and Jisela) decided to call her a "quiter." Innocently enough, Cara decided to save poor Cammy, stating that Aneesa "didn't know her." That made Annessa snap, tell Cara she would "cut her with words." Meanwhile, Timmy (Road Rules) is standing by Annessa, mocking her hand motions and screams. That clown!

2. Ayanna sleeps in her uniform
"I SLEPT IN MY UNIFORM LAST NIGHT 'CAUSE I WANTED TO WIN TODAY!" Ayanna is crazy. Plain and simple, home girl is nuts. Now here she is, calling out the female "inner circle" that elected to vote her off the challenge. Scratch that, she didn't call them out; she basically ranted about extremely odd things. She apparently defended Tonya (Real World Chicago) when she over flowed the toilet. She also defended her when others said she was a phone hog. Then of course, the most famous quote of all about sleeping in her uniform because she wanted a victory. A grown woman... sleeping in her dirty uniform... because she wanted to win. Think about it.

3. Battle of the laser tag
"ELLLLLLENNNNNNN.... COME OUT AND PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" The Battle of the Sexes challenge was really a fun one to watch. It became a hell of a lot more fun to watch when one of the missions was... LASER TAG! Guys vs. girls in a laser tag mele! The girls held their own but were pretty much screwed. Ellen (Road Rules) was the last remaining girl with Jamie (Road Rules) awaiting for her to come out from hiding so he and the remaining guys team to tag her with the laser gun. Classic TV

4. The upset
"YOU WON... YOU JUST WON!" The Duel is also up there with one as one of my favorite challenges. This Duel in particular pitted Svetlana (Real World Key West) agaisnt Beth (Real World Los Angeles)... I pretty much gave Svet no chance at all. It appears to the viewer that Beth won, as she over powered Svet in the "Push Me" Duel. Svet gave up and began to cry, knowing she was going home... BUT WAIT ONE MINUTE! Host TJ Lavin DQ'ed Beth because she ripped the flag off the carabiner! Brad (Real World San Diego) nearly jumped on the crying Svet, proclaiming Beth had been DQ'ed and she was in fact the winner!

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