Friday, February 22, 2008

Vote for the Real World awards!

Welcome to The Real World Awards Bash!For no less than 19 seasons, MTV has been putting diverse individuals into close quarters to see what happens. Along the way, we've seen fast friendships, love connections, lusty liaisons, and every form of fighting imaginable. Now it's time to vote for the best! Watch video clips of nominees and cast a vote for your favorite. Then tune into The Real World Awards Bash on Saturday, March 29, at 1 p.m. ET/PT on MTV to see who wins!

I know tradtionally you're not supposed to say who you voted for, but screw tradition! Here is who I voted for:

Hottest Female: Kelly Anne
I voted for Kelly Anne because she was refreshing to look at! She was such eye candy and she drove me crazy with those eyes. She definatly is beautiful naturally. Very hot.

Hottest Male: N/a
This is for the ladies or guys who find men attractive to vote for. I am not either.

Favorite Season: San Diego
By far my favorite Real World season ever. Drama involving Frankie (RIP), Brad and Robin getting arrested ON THE SAME NIGHT, the beautiful Cameran, the hotty Jamey (who I consider 2nd in the hottest female category), the comical Jacquese, and the mellow Randy. There was that other cast member who replaced Frankie... whatever happend to him? LOL

Best Fight: Brynn vs. Steven - Las Vegas
You can point out hunderds of fights in Real World history but out of these choices, I feel Brynn/Steven was the best one. Brynn threw a fork, Steven showed how much of an insenstive ass he was... ahh The Real World!

Steamiest Steam: Trishelle, Brynn, Steven - Las Vegas
Very hot to see Trishelle break losse and to envy Steven. Brynn is really cute! SCOOOOOREEEEEE!

Best Brush with the Law: Robin and Brad getting arrested on the same night
I was in tears of laughter when this first aired. Robin punches a dude in the arm, he presses charges and gets her arrested. Meanwhile, Brad is arrested for drunkly yelling at people.

Best Meltdown: Dan to Melisa - Miami
Such a classic, classic meltdown. "WAS IT YOURS TO OPEN?!" Dan is such a... nevermind.

Favorite Love Story: Cohutta and KellyAnne - Sydney
I loveeeeee Kelly Anne. I am going to track her down on myspace and see if she and Cohutta are still together or not. I hope they are!

Roommate You Love To Hate: Beth - Los Angeles
Seriously I hate Beth but I love to hate her. Puck I just like because he's disgusting and Tyler I just hate. Beth... I enjoy to hate her.

Biggest Playa: Brad - San Diego
Brad was the man. Seriously he got to hook up with Cameran. 'Nuff said. Even though Cameran has said Brad was not the best kisser...

Phone Call Gone Bad: Jacquese - San Diego
I was in tears... in tears of laughter when Jacquese was on the phone with the arrested Robin. Firs off, he has a "Free Brad" paper tapped to his sweat shirt. Second, the reaction he gives when Robin says she is in jail in priceless. Then when he asks Robin where she is, she responds by saying she is in MEXICO! Jac, in total confussion, says "MEXICO!?" The way he delivered that... oh man priceless.

Gone Baby Gone: Irene - Seattle
Stephen slaps Irene because she called him a homosexual. What man wouldn't slap a woman for that?

Best Dance Off: N/a
Useless category... all the choices were generic.

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