Saturday, February 23, 2008

Beth vs. Diem


I recentlly got in contact with Beth through her myspace account. I told her thank you for adding me and that I remember watching her since Battle of the Sexes (2003). She replied back saying thanks for the myspace add and was surprised that I remembered her on the show because she was voted off rather quickly.

So I am browsing around Beth's myspace and I read one of her blog.

Boy oh boy what a blog.

In case you did not watch it, MTV aired 'The 25 most unforgetable moments in challenge history" and one of the unforgetable moments is when Diem reveals she has cancer on 'Freshmeat'. One of the pannel members to discuss these moments was Beth. She of course had an opinion on Diem and it wasn't a particular good one. Beth basically claims that Diem uses her cancer as a tactic to stay in the game.

On Diem decided to respond to Beth's claim in a blog. Here is some of what Diem had to say:

"I find this simply amusing... I have stayed silent about certain remarks that she made about me bc I didn’t want to give her more platform to run her inappropriate words that hurt not myself but others in the same/similar situations.... She used a preview special to air complete non-sense so to get a reaction. To get her self a few more sound bytes.... how funny then is karma hmmm "

This is from Beth's myspace blog in response to Diem. *Note* That long paragraph in bold is not what Beth said. This was written by Beth's closest myspace friend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Recently, one of the Gauntlet 3 castmembers chose to throw a few stones in my direction over at Many of you have written asking if or when I would respond. I didn't intend to. I haven't mentioned her at all in any of my blogs. But...I did find it interesting that the nameless castmember who called me out did so to defend her "boys" (they certainly don't qualify as men)...boys who in the last episode were BRUTAL to the girls on our even threatened to strap a brick to their boobs and drown them...nice timing to come running to their defense huh?

One of my long-time myspace friends, however, let me know that she had responded to Diem and offered me permission to post her reply here. "A," who personally knows more cast members and more challenge details than anyone I know, has some interesting things to say, so after giving it some thought, I've decided to post her reply here. They are her words, not mine; they stand on their own. TO REPEAT, I DO NOT ENDORSE THE FOLLOWING--I DIDN'T WRITE IT, BUT IT IS INTERESTING READING.

Someone has let Beth get under their skin? Everything Beth said about you was true. On Fresh Meat and the Duel you cried and threw a hissy fit when you got voted into elimination. And both times it was the first time you were sent to the elimination and it was the last week! Boo freaking hoo honey. You even expected Aneesa to save you over her BFF Svetlana. How arrogant must you be? Or is it entitlement? Did you feel entitled to make the end? And why the hookups so quickly from Derek to CT? Fresh Meat and the Duel were filmed less than 6 months apart. Quite a short time to find 2 loves of your life in an environment that doesnt exactly lead to healthy relationships. Were those boys used to make it to the end? Hmmmmm. You also basically admitted in your blog you were afraid of Beth and avoided her. Should you be bragging about being a p----? And Beth does confront people she has a problem with and not take shots at them personally behind their backs like Danny/Kenny/Evan did to her. She confronted Tina when Tina tried to start something with her. She confronted Jodi and the Drama Mafia to their FACES! She told you at the Duel reunion how she thought of you. As for Nehemiah? Please. The guy wouldn't have even been asked to the Gauntlet 3 if it were not for the attention he got from Beth on the Duel. He discarded Beth at G3 because she was of no use to him as she was on opposite teams. His ego was bruised due to Beth's jokes about him on The Duel. His manhood was damaged so he set out to distance himself from her. He also realized he was on the wrong side of the cliques that dominate these shows.As for karma, it will be coming your way too sistah. How did keeping Eric over Johnny work out for the Vets at the end? Bahahahaha. I would hate for your strong team to dominate the whole thing and than lose at the end due to 1 out of shape team member. Karma indeed! Oh yeah...and your boy CT is showing a lot of maturity this show, hun. He's very mature indeed for a crack addict. I also believe, from my recollection of watching the Duel reunion, that you actually called out Beth first by calling her a phony. She in return responded back to you. So if you are seriously wondering where her distaste from you comes from that maybe a good place to start. The first 3 episodes have shown no expamples of your claims that Beth was desperate for camera time. She did not respond at all but to laugh at Nehmeiah's tantrum. She has not been in any fights or causing drama. Her only crime seems to be standing next to CT in one of his drunken states. Now now. CT is always in a drugged out state so you cant blame her for that. I also saw Katie and many others watching the fight from the stairs so try a little harder next time honey. Your points don't hold up under scrutiny.
"A" for annonymous

Anyone have thoghts about this? Does anything think Diem would use her cancer as a tactic to stay longer in the game?

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